Mittwoch, 26. September 2012

Zeit / Time

Damals war das Gebüsch ganz dicht. 
Als wir uns drinnen eine Höhle bauten, waren wir für die Erwachsenen
 draussen nicht zu sehen.

Back in the days the clump of bushes was very solid. 
As we builded a cavern inside we were not to be seen for the adults outside.

Vor unserem Fenster auf der Wilhelmsburg standen zwei Ahornbäume. 
Auf den Freund im linken Bild konnten wir klettern und waren selbst für Frau Stempinski unsichtbar. Die Bäume stehen sie noch heute.... (im Gegensatz zur Burg).
 Groß sind sie geworden und unsere Schnitzereien etwas verzerrt.

In front of the windows of Williamscastle stood two maple trees. 
On top of the friend on the left picture we could climb and were even for Frau Stempinsi invisible. The trees standing there still today... (in contrast to the Castle).  
They have grown very much and our carvings are a bit distorted.

Spuren von uns damals sind neben dem Neuen, was hier gerade entsteht, 
immer noch zu finden.

Ruts  from us back then one can find today close to the new that comes into beeing.

Die Königin von der Burg am Eisenbach machte sich auf dem Heimweg.

The Queen of the Castle at the Eisenbach journeyed home.

Überquerte die Elbbrücken

Crossed over the Bridge of river Elbe

 ist an der Alster entlang gefahren und

has passed the river Alster and

 ich kaufe mir in der Perle ein Stück Seife... 

I buy me a piece of soap inside the pearl...

 MANDALA in my mind.
Can't wait...

5 Kommentare:

  1. what a wonderful trip to the past, which, lucky you is so close to present...
    Good mandala to you : )

  2. Dear Demie,
    although its so close to me its often, mainly far away...

    Will you take part with Mandala?

    x Ariane

  3. i find your post here pretty mandalic already! you're working up to it, aren't you? all these good stuff memories enter a circle for sure..
    the paper on that bar of soap, that's another mandala! ;)))

  4. dear a,
    good to hear your girl is doing better.
    i used to faint a lot a few years ago.
    how is autumn over there? annual apple picking sounds like fun, what do you make out of it?

  5. How wonderful it must have been to see those carvings! I bet they brought back lots of lovely memories.

    That must be one of the nicest looking soap wraps I've ever seen. :)

