Sonntag, 29. November 2015

dc #182: ABUNDANCE

Sometimes, an abundance of too many things clouds the sight

for the details

and for the important 'things' of life

So, my abundance is the emptiness

and I can fill the emptiness with beauty, again!

BTW: the pic before the last is from the dc #77: MANDALA

Dear Veronica is our host, again.
Thank you for that, Dear! Her theme for this drawing challenge is 'abundance'.
 I have had a completely different idea for this theme, but for a lack of time*
(fitting for the theme, right?) I have only taken these photos.

Please make sure to visit Veronica's place of abundance!

*there are an abundance of appointments, last week: birthday of a friend (and a farewell),
sweet gatherings, like of the reading club or a welcome back party for a friend and exhibits, like Sarah Moon 'Now And Then', last Friday (I will show you some pics of the opening, soon!). Christmas staff party and Christmas school parties (and some exams) of our three kids in the coming weeks will follow. Tomorrow, at Sunday, we'll have friends for kale in the Lionpalace, so I try to come to your abundance afterwards.

now: No. 182 ABUNDANCE
at Veronica's this weekend, the 28th + 29th of November

6 Kommentare:

  1. well your photos are a lovely example of abundance
    abundance that is meaningful and dear
    yes, emptiness i also find to be a valued form of abundance

  2. someone's sitting happily, contentedly sunbathing in the window sill there!
    ... and flow, from filled up images to perfectly empty centres, we flow, time and again, having time on our hands, having absolutely none. enjoy the weekend! plenty more perfect sunshine, let's hope. n♥

  3. Arianne, I love your photographic sensibilities! Beautiful images, so well presented. And the idea of abundance being found in the spaces finds its echoes in musical compositions, doesn't it?

  4. I would be happy to host this week, can announce it Monday? Will that work?

    1. That will work, dear Tammie! Thank you!
      x Ariane

    2. great, my post is up on Beauty Flows and the theme is: threshold

