Sonntag, 22. November 2015


Am Sonntag hat der erste Schnee Hamburg erreicht.
Ich war nur drinnen im warmen Löwenpalast, sah durch die Fenster und
genoss das beruhigende Weiß, gutes Essen und Familie

At Sunday the first snow has come to Hamburg.
I've only stayed inside of the warm Lionpalace, looked through the windows
and enjoyed the calming white, good food and family

PS: Thank you very much for your comments 
on calm – I'll come to yours, too, soon.

3 Kommentare:

  1. snow makes us giddy. amazing how calminf the effect indeed can be, and how charmingly peaceful your corner looks. i'm waiting patiently for our first load. x n♥

  2. Oh wow! Da habt ihr ja schon ganz schön viel Schnee! Bei uns gabs bisher nur ein paar Flocken, es reichte aber nicht für eine weisse Landschaft....

    Zauberhafte Grüsse

  3. Snow!?! Nooo! Lol. Although it does make for some beautiful photos. Dearest, it's American Thanksgiving weekend, and our Melodye has asked if there is any way we could do Abundance as the next weekend DC theme, so, I'm just looking and it doesn't look like anyone's called, so I'll call Abundance for the 28th, 29th.

