Samstag, 20. Februar 2016

dc #189: COCOON

On my way to work I took the path through the garden,
last Thursday. It was cold and the snow crunched under my boots.
Very calming sound to me. And it felt as if life is covered in a blanket
 or in a wrap of mother Nature.

Sometimes men help her with built boxes for the tropic plants.

I hurried on

After work, in my 'meantime' before work at home

I stopped in for a coffee

Later, in the Lionspalace, I have found a strange thing in 
the Crassula ovata hanging on a golden thread. 
It has spinned around, about 17cm/6.7inch long...
very vividly and alive?!? What's inside?

Well, I let this being

 I stay tuned, browse through a little illustrated book of
Maria Sibylla Merian (find more of her at dc #49: BUTTERFLY), wrapped
in a woolen blanket. Look! a blossom of a banana tree!

Stay tuned.

Be patient (I'll try, too)

For this week's drawing challenge No. 189 my dear friend Patrice is our host (you can find a bird printed by her on my bookshelf). Her theme is COCOON and it has been a pleasure to play!
I have taken you on an early walk in the Botanical Garden 'Planten un Blomen' and I have built this 'thing' out of papier-maché and a (pink) ballon. Later I wanna show you, how it looks inside and what it was... I don't know, but now it is still growing.

Please come to Patrice's beautiful place to find more COCOONs

Have a nice weekend!



now: No. 189 COCOON at Patrice's


11 Kommentare:

  1. Ich mag vor allem das letzte Foto, ein wahnsinnig romantischer place-to-be
    und so viel Geborgenheit in deinem Beitrag, schön!
    x Stefanie

  2. die eisbeckenbilder sind wunderschön - eisig, aber schutz bietend. diese farbschattierungen mag ich sehr. ich bin sehr gespannt , was sich in deinem kokon entwickelt.
    :-) mano

  3. oooh....
    snow as a soft blanket
    a cocooning café
    and a strange thing on a golden thread
    ... sigh...
    your fine home is like a welcoming cocoon
    and i will try to be patient

    thank you dear Rose
    for joining and taking us on your trip

  4. Tolle Schneebilder - ganz offensichtlich haben sie das Wasser schon wieder aufgefüllt, das sieht mit dem Schnee richtig arktisch aus! Grandios. Schade, das der Zauber so schnell wieder vorbei war.
    Und wir sind natürlich gespannt, welches Ei du da ausbrütest...
    Liebe Grüße
    Ja, Bananen und Merian und die Tropen - so eine Expedition hin und wieder ist doch einfach toll und das ohne Strapazen.

  5. well, if i may say so, i feel easter coming on in your place, and how clever are you, what with the paper maché surprise? but perhaps it is even something completely different than easter suprise??? ...

    thxs for taking us on a leasurely stroll. oh, the moment when we will be able to stroll in real time.. can you believe it it is approaching, that very moment? i simply must smile. is it going to be summer again?

    yes. it. is.

  6. First I was so taken with the lovely fresh flowers and candle light (and yummy warm coffee) at the coffee shop, and then again with the flowers and candle light at your home. Such beauty. These moments of beauty. But that paper mache cocoon you made! The drama tickles my imagination and puts a big smile on my face. You are one of a kind Ariane!!!! Honestly, you tickle me today. N, x

  7. I love the way you create beautiful stories with your camera and words! xo Leena

  8. I can't wait for it to hatch! How very exciting. You still have quite a bit of snow around. Not like here in mild Vancouver where there isn't much winter...except for the mountains, they're full of snow. Thank goodness you have that lovely botanical garden to visit. I miss London for that. One of my most favourite places is RBG Kew and the greenhouses there. I also love, LOVE that botanical illustrations book and the banana flower. It always reminds me of Hawaii or Mexico; two places I vacation in. Bananas grow there like...roses or hydrangeas do here in the Pacific North West. One year I was in Hawaii staying at a friend's house and she just went into her back garden and picked a lemon and a papaya and several avocados for breakfast. Can you imagine? Paradise. Biggest hugs dear Rosie girl. Anyone calling next week? I can think of something. Let me know.

  9. Wonderful. Your cocoon is a great of cliffhanger and made me smile:) Everyone will return to see what's inside!- eric

  10. so many lovely images
    winter treasures
    your cocoon almost scared me, what could be born of it ;-)
    i find it to be wonderful

  11. Ach, gäbe es hier so ein Café. Nun, wir hatten mal ein Maria-Sybilla-Merian-Gymnasium. Irgendwie werde ich gerade melancholisch.
    Viele Grüße von Lucia

