Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011

Drawing challenge #42: VACATION

aaaaah... Vacation!

On the way to Zealand, Denmark, Europe...

From our house to the beach...

- Vacation.

Snuggle up in a sand dune...

 ... see clouds and the tummy of a seagull...

...listen to the surge of waves...

 ...into delight!

And collecting treasures of nature like shells and pretty grass as memorabilia for home.

Thank you very much, 
dear hostess Greta the adventurer, to bring back my memories of our last holiday in Denmark through your theme vacation!

For other delights, please take a look at her place.

I've painted with acrylic on canvas the favourite-beach of our family. 
- And I'm happy because they recognize it directly... today, on a rainy, cold Decemberday in Hamburg, Germany, Europe.

  No. 41 Curve 

No. 42 Greta with 'VACATION'

No. 43 Ariane with 'RUSH' 10.+11.12.2011

Please, tell me who is next (before Christmas)?

11 Kommentare:

  1. your paintings and photoes brought me in a vacation mood...thanks : )

  2. the sea, the sEA!

    great painting
    I like it even more from up close
    the dunes
    the sky
    the sea
    love, LOVE it!


    I am not sure yet if I can join RUSH
    I am too busy
    in a hurry all the time
    which is a RUSH

  3. Just like you, i love to be at the seaside Ariane and you brought me there with your blue and more blue painting, the curve of the dunes, i can hear that seagull at the moment you know :)
    Thanks for taking me out there on a windy and rainy decemberday, xx

  4. They still exist but I put them back to "concepts". Havn't you read it? I need a new beginning and create a new design. I'll start at zero, that's why I put all my old posts back to "concepts". But when I start at zero I'll repost a lot of my old pictures etc. :)

  5. what a great bird buffet you have down there!
    and vacation...i am longing for a xmas vacation in the north!
    lots of blues here, so pretty!

  6. Dear Demie,
    painting this, I FEEL like in vacation! Fantastic.

    Dear Patrice,
    Patrice! Thank you very much... I deem it an honour.

    - Since now I didn't know a lot about Sinterklaas and de swarte piet ... you bring them to me.
    I wish you and your family ('finnish' brother!) a really good time together.
    Maybe you'll find time for 'rush' in a hurry...

    Dear Renilde,
    now I can hear the seagull too :)
    Next summer I'll try laying in field of poppies,
    thank you!

    Dear Chocheta,
    I've read that you thought of that.
    - Don't forget to see the bigger picture.

    Dear Sara,
    I'm longing for your xmas vacation pics! Maybe with snow?


  7. Thank you. :) The photo was shot at the Baltic Sea. What do you mean with "Don't forget to see the bigger picture."? It's funny to write english with a german person.

  8. dear ariane, a little bit late, but I'm on vacation, too. tomorrow evening you can see MY denmark...
    Love your pictures so much - now I'm dreaming of our next holidays...
    have a wonderful weekend with tea, cookies and candles! mano

  9. i bet your family recognizes the holiday scenery of vast sea, dunes, clouds and waves! what a great evocative way to show us in details your vacation feeling. almost a dissection of a painting, to pin point the treasures. this is actually a postcard, ariane!

  10. deine bilder machen natürlich auch wieder herzberstende sehnsucht... wunderschön! inniger herzenssgruss, julia

  11. Ariane,
    We're back in business! Thank you for taking the reins and explaining the situation.
    Denmark looks so beautiful. A beach vacation is always a delight, especially with children. Your paintings capture the peace, the blue is striking. I love a good seascape.

    Thank you for sharing his vacation with us...




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