Mercury, the messenger between mother earth and...
heavenly father.
There and back.
Along the Mercurial wand, the spinal column of the Aether.
Fast, very fast with aery wings.
The advices that I bring are (sometimes) not from me. I only mirror them.
Earlier I've felt lonely because of that.
But today I take some deep, deep breaths and feel good again.
Home and beeing close to the action.
My assignement is coming from the twinship to the oneness.
Me and Not-me
Moon and Sun
Night and Day
Water and Fire
Female and Male
From 'either... or' to 'both... and'.
The interplay of opposites.
is the sign for Gemini and

is for Mercury. The hand mirror, the caduceus and the wings on the helmet.
For this work I've over painted some book pages ('Unter dem Zwillingsstern/Under the twin star' from T. Kinkel... yes, I've dare, dear Nadine!) and stick them in a spiral-bound notebook. I've drawed with pencil and with blue and red (female and male) crayon and yellow-gold, the colour for the upper unity.
I show here also a little hermit crab 'cause only a few hours later... my zodiac sign would be the Crab.
This week's drawing challenge is hosted by renovating Nadine
with her theme 'I am a { ··· fill in your zodiac sign ··· }'.
Please take a look at her cosmos to get to know more.
No. 45 Teatime
No. 46 Bundle
No. 47 Another Roadside Attraction
No. 48 Umbrella/Parasol
No. 49 Butterfly
No. 50 Monogram
No. 51 Blanket
No. 45 Teatime
No. 46 Bundle
No. 47 Another Roadside Attraction
No. 48 Umbrella/Parasol
No. 49 Butterfly
No. 50 Monogram
No. 51 Blanket
No. 52 Industrial
No. 53 Connection
No. 54 Garden
NOW: No. 56 woolfy Nadine with
After next: No. 57 whimsycal Helen
No. 53 Connection
No. 54 Garden
NOW: No. 56 woolfy Nadine with
'I am a { ··· fill in your zodiac sign ··· }'
at 14.+15.04.2012
After next: No. 57 whimsycal Helen
'A pair of...' at 21.+22.04.2012
Coming: No. 58 Patrice with '?' at 27.+26.04.2012
Who is next?
Wow Ariane!! This is a stunning post! I love everything about it.i love what you wrote sister is gemini too..powerful sign!Beautiful art..hugs
Dear Ariane; there is such fragility and lightness both in your photos and paintings that I find very rare and touching, it is very unique and charming x Leena
AntwortenLöschenHello fellow Gemini! Working on the book pages has created a mysteriousness to the paintings. Powerful yet delicate.
AntwortenLöschenoooh Ariane Gemini Queen
AntwortenLöschenI love your drawing! your placement of twins in the centre broken by spirals is right up my alley colours are perfect very airy. nice response!
sorry to read about the mirroring going a little wayside... there's ups and downs... i have a gemini in da house, and oh boy! i mean you are a woman, but a gemini boy... oh boy... ;)))
AntwortenLöschenloving you interpretation too, it is quite explanatory! loving the mirror (and other) details... the symbolics used by you are thoughtful (one side) and the actual execution daring (the other side)... ;)))
good on you to overpaint book pages!!! it's a relief to do so, sometimes. well done, gemini, don't you find it erases boundaries a little? gemini needs that, deffo!
ps - so glad it had this effect on you.
AntwortenLöschenworking on book pages worked out beautiful
the mirroring, the opposites
like wings
my father is a Gemini
those ups and downs
the two sides and faces
a struggle sometimes
Dear Ariane - love the way you have portrayed your inner self - the two sides of Gemini. The use of the two pages in the book, the mirror and the spiral column in the middle. The dear little crab creeping in at the edge. I wonder if you would be much different if he had been a bit quicker, and you had been born under Cancer.
AntwortenLöschenDear Ariane, accurate and inventive, also Gemini, the mirror above that spiral is a strong image that touches me and will stay with me for a while (not sure why at the moment, but it does), delicate as always (i repeat myself but it is so striking) x
AntwortenLöschenso so so schön deine zarten zwillinge, zwillingsmama, aussergewöhnliche zwillingsfrau, was ganz besonderes eben! danke für die katzen entdeckung, das hat mich so gefreut! herzenskuss, julia
AntwortenLöschenVery beautiful, Ariane. The drawings are beautiful together with your very moving text
AntwortenLöschenSuperschön und zart, Dein Zwillingswerk.
AntwortenLöschenIch mag die Idee, auf Buchseiten zu malen, das hat immer so was Vielschichtiges. Besonders, wenn der Buchtitel noch so schön zum Thema des Bildes passt. Und der Spiegel..wirklich eine sehr schöne Idee!
My lovelies,
AntwortenLöschen... maybe you forebodes how much your words helps,
maybe not... doesn't matter:
Thank you.
Hello dear Ariane
AntwortenLöschenso it is me for this weeks drawing challenge I will post the details today of challenge and topic.
Ill pop in to see you after Ive posted.
Bye have a lovely day Helen :)