Freitag, 1. März 2013

Welcome March!

Rosen-Sirup... Rose sirup

Bei unserem Willkommens-Frühstück für den März verschwimmen 
bei schönstem Sonnenschein Innen und Außen...

At our welcome breakfast for the March becomes blurred 
the inside and outside in most beautiful sunshine...

 Unsere Jüngste bringt zum Ferienbeginn ihre Schlange aus der Schule mit nach Hause...

Our Youngest carries her snake home from school to beginning of vacation...


... und der Himmel sieht atemberaubend schön aus...

... and the heaven looks stunning...

bei der Metamorphose... at metamorphosis.

Schönes Wochenende... Happy weekend!

PS:  Dear Patrice is our next host for the 95th of the Drawing Challenge at the next weekend... the 9th + 10th of March with MOON!

9 Kommentare:

  1. Dear A, you have captured the delicate and tentative mood of this season perfectly. Happy March, my friend. -sus

  2. Such wonderful hues in these fotos Ariane. Would have loved to have joined you in the sunshine lit table for a natter and a cuppa.

    Enjoy the weekend

    Helen :)

  3. and with these stunning images from your luxurious weekend ste up, i begin my saturday. things are looking up!
    do keep me informed on the challenge. i'm preparing my return. ahem. ;)

    1. and what i really meant is :
      "luxurious weekend SET UP".
      thank you.

  4. looks fine!!!
    the flowers
    the sunshine
    the table with friends

    shall I be the host?....

    Patrice A.

  5. Was für ein gelungener Frühlings-Willkommensgruß-Post! Wunderbare Bilder! Rosensirup klingt herrlich!
    Magnolien - ich freu mich schon!
    Die Schlange - einfach toll!
    Liebe frühlingsgelaunte Sonnengrüße!

  6. Great photographs Ariane
    the spring feeling there
    the skies gorgeous

    love xoxoxo

