Samstag, 24. August 2013


dew on feet
soil bouncy
view obscure
I stray 
suddely: voices... laughter from anyplace... comes nearer 
and disappears
rustling hum overhead and beside
rustle here and there
 (mosquito bites)

'nature, nature, I am your bride!'

Dear woolfy Nadeschda, the one and only,
is our hostess for this week's drawing challenge (the 113th). I try to focus on her theme nature in a nature sanctuary in Hamburg, the Eppendorfer Moor.
 In my mind land artist Richard Long...

my way

take my booklet and do some abrasion of tree bark with (found barbecue-) coal, find a feather of a grey heron and collect some acrons (that has fallen on my head). First I wanna do some land art, but then after the impression of chaos from left nature drop, I find out that nature herself is the artist here... e.g. see all the eyes and crosses. 
(btw, I post my photos in the order of taking there)

It is in my nature to face... 
but after an abundance of mosquito bites I escape to the sunlit street.

Please have a look at more nature at creative Nadeschda's place
she hoard a lot fine people!

No 110 Gossamer
No 111 Fern

No 112 Bed and Board

Today: No 113 at Nadeschda's, 24th and 25th of August,
theme: NATURE & {2014 LIVE EVENT}
Follow: No 114 with Barbara Bee


have nice a weekend

20 Kommentare:

  1. you been looking at trees, have you? :)))
    oh my word! what an album! it grows into a film before my eyes, as i scroll along. you are amazing, and deep, miss queen!
    yes, i do appreciate chronology in images, i tend to always gravitate towards it myself, although i realize the experience for the viewer may be different, but i do believe the flow as it came to you is strong as well.
    working on having a nice weekend. so far my custard cream shifted, i don't know where i'll end up! ;)))
    thxs for playing queen ariane,

  2. ich danke diR!!
    von heRzen. füR diese eRfRischende sammlung. soviel schönheit auf einmal ....
    liebst. käthe.

  3. what a great walk!!
    all those images, details
    intwined trees, is Alice there?
    and tai-chi or sun salutations
    i like the drawing of your walk
    would have loved to walk beside you

    Patrice A.

  4. Your pictures are just great! They made me realize that green is such a beautiful colour! I'm going to take another look again;-)

  5. Didn't you have a glorious walk! Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Ariane - what lovely nature surrounds you, you have shared it here so beautifully. So very inspiring - thank you

  7. so lovely to see our beautiful world through your heart and lens. sorry to hear about the mosquitoes, we have many here as well.

    i also enjoyed your poem.

  8. Ahhh the lusciousness of nature. Yes, even the lowly, bothersome, mosquito. Thanks for the journey, Ariane. xo

  9. what a wonderful collection of green dear ariane!
    joyous place....

  10. Du meine Güte. Wow! Ich wusste nicht, dass Hamburg im Dschungel liegt!! Aber genauso hat es sich angefühlt. Nur die "Eingeborenen" haben es entlarvt: Yoga statt Pfeil und Bogen, das kann nur eine zivilisierte Gegend sein! ;o))

  11. Fascinating images full of green shades and beautiful reflections: a poetic post, thank you Ariane!

  12. Oh Ariane, hese greens are lovely, so especially here at the summer's ending. xxoo, sus

  13. Delightful as always, nature at its best and it doesn't show the dirt, the chaos and the mosquito hords at all, fine, lush untouched nature and I really enjoy you little collections and bark drawing, all sensitive and light - wonderful, just like you, dear Ariane!
    Was such a pleasure with you!!!!!!!!
    P.S. please feel invited to next dc, but you do already do you? ; )

  14. Ariane,
    Your post makes me want to get out into the woods! Noticing your flowers in the house, this theme also had me thinking of how having a bit of nature inside our homes really makes a difference in the feeling of the home. There is something too it far more that we can fully understand.
    Glad to be back in the DC! Greta actually has something to share on her blog , too. later today...

  15. This is how I pictured my post to be!! Filled with photography and love your highlights- the feather and acorns and bark- just like my own walks- such a pleasure- except of course for those damn mosquito's :)- but they are part of nature too

  16. Your photography skills are so great Ariane, you get fabulous shots. These are a body of work so evocative of light. Nature. Light finding its' way into the forest. It's like the light has come to the forest, not the forest reaching for the light. Wow this has been a delightful visit for me, to say the least! Thanks for this post. Norma, xo

  17. dear queenie, your palace is the wood, your treasures are your finds and the sun your grand chandelier, there's silky water and velvet moss, there's embroidery and scuptures, i even thought i saw a ballroom decorated with ferns,
    thanks for showing me around, it's good to be back :)
    (and yes totally your way) xx

  18. beautiful in and out! even your woods have your signature elegant eye!

