Montag, 25. Januar 2016

Diving... into a woolfy birthday...

I dive into the vase
voices whisper from
the right and from the left

then a golden fish comes along and tells me:

"It is the birthday of woolfy Nadeschda Nadine!"

Happy birthday, my dear friend 
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hello dear Ariane. It's all so mysterious how plants from above the sea can look like they are in the sea. Beautiful photos. xo

  2. hahahahahaahahahahaha... aw. touched, oh gosh. and swimming. and floating. i mean, how lucky am i, anyway? such good fortune to run into a golden fish too... that's a sign! ;-)))
    falalalalalalalaala... my day is HAPPY.
    thank you, ariane rose. for the thought and the tulips.

    1. what i also meant was : not running into that golden fish, but gently swimming. of course.
      running underwater! tsk tsk.
      the very thought. ...

