Montag, 18. Januar 2016

Photo canvas + new theme for the next dc!

Die Tulpen verwandeln ihre Blüten zu Federn.
Zu ihren Füßen habe ich ein paar neue Fotoleinwände ausgebreitet 

The tulips metamorphoses their blossoms to feathers.
At their feet I have spread some new photos on canvas

und übersprühe sie dieses Mal mit seidenmattem Firnis. Ich
möchte, dass die Oberfläche sanft schimmert und versiegelt ist.

and I spray them with semigloss varnish. I wish,
that the surface softly glimmers and is sealed.

Sophia Loren, meine Mutter und Tanten 
haben nun in der Küche über dem Tisch Platz genommen

Sophia Loren, my mother and aunts were 
seated in the kitchen above the table

und bei dem Schwan denke ich, dass 
im Badezimmer ein guter Ort sein könnte...

and with at this swan I think, that 
the bathroom would be a nice place...

I will come to your rhythm, the theme of the last dc, soon! and:

We have a new host for the drawing challenge this weekend!
Dear Katrin of Fischefrauen has a theme for us at the 23rd + 24th of January:


3 Kommentare:

  1. such wonderful images
    i like them square
    a new theme for us..... sweet

  2. Oh boy those tulips! My tulips have done the same thing. I love it when they flop over like that. Imagine having Sophia in your kitchen! I want Sophia in my kitchen too. :D New DC! Hooray!

  3. there's a pink flower residing in the kitchen here, before she travels to the bedroom. in due course i will show off.
    sofia at your table? how clever you are. it's the little imaginary things that make us glow throughout a day, you're a star on a daily basis! beautiful mementos in their rightful place, namely to be shown...
    see you at the weekend.

