Samstag, 25. Juni 2011


um 22 Uhr in Hamburg

um 23.30 Uhr in Hamburg

How long stays the light at your place? 

6 Kommentare:

  1. to us Finnish ST. John's Day is a big party but here in France it's not that important. So, this year I hardly remembered it. So, I was still watering my garden at ten o'clock and could still see waht I was doing - allmost. Have a good St. John's weekend!

  2. liebste ariane, wie wunderschön, das wären super malhintergründe!
    etwas schlapp und sehr glücklich sende ich dir herzensgrüsse, xx julia

  3. Hello, dear Airelle,
    have a good St. John's Day too... even in France!

    Liebste Julia,
    als ich gestern schlafen gehen wollte, habe ich diesen Himmel gesehen: so ein schönes Blau habe ich lange nicht gesehen. Dann noch das Schattenspiel an der Burg nebenan... da war ich wieder kanlle wach!
    Ich werde gleich endlich Zeit finden, meinen 'Body' zu malen....


    Liebe Irena, wie schade.
    Da hast Du so viel geschrieben und dann ist es im Nirgendwo gelandet?! Das ist mir auch schon passiert. Inzwischen sichere ich meine Kommentare bevor ich sie poste. Vielleicht beim nächsten Mal? Würde mich freuen!
    Dein Schwester♥

  4. the sun goes down around 8:30 ( 20:30 ) in Los Angeles.
    that means the kids stay up way too late. their clocks have always been
    dictated by the sun.
    my "body" post will be a little late this week as well.
    zach leaves on monday morning. early early, before the kids rise.
    we are living in the moment right now, enjoying our long days of sunshine.
    not as long as your though!

  5. Actually, here in Northern Finland the light is on for the whole night. For several nights. For almost all summer. It's fun at first, but sometimes a little frustrating if you can't sleep because of it. Personally I prefer the autumn nights when it's still very warm, but it gets dark as well. That's when I always want to sit on the patio in candle-light, it feels like I'm on a vacation in a foreign country. :)

  6. there's a post especially for you in my blog today :)

