Samstag, 4. Juni 2011

Drawing challenge #19: EVERYDAY LIFE

Manchmal komme ich mir vor wie ein Schwamm. 
Ich sauge alles auf - und manchmal sauge ich mich selber auf... Wenn der Alltag mir vorkommt, als würde er nur aus endlos wiederkehrenden, langweiligen Aktionen bestehen...

Sometimes I feel like a sponge. 
I absorb anything - and at times myself... When the daily routine seems to me as if he is only from endless recurrently, humdrum actions...

... häufig auch noch mit der Uhr im Nacken.

 ...often with the clock in the neck as well.

Zwischen Wäsche und...

Between washing and...

und (riskanter) Essenszubereitung...

and (riskier) food preperation...

mache ich mir einen Kaffee...

I make me some coffee...

und genieße den Duft der Honigblume.

and enjoy the fragrance of Honeyflower.

Schön ist es dann auch, 
wenn ich meinem Haushalt entfliehen kann, in einem Café bedient werde und 
liebe Freunde treffe.

It's nice,
if I'm able to escape from my household, served in a café and meet lovely friends.

Doch ich sollte mich eigentlich dann mal wieder selber ausdrücken und erstmal leer werden. Damit sich der Blick für Rhythmus der wiederkehrenden Alltagsdinge öffnen kann, die immer zu tun sind, genauso wie Einatmen und Ausatmen und die Bewegung des Herzens... ganz normales, alltägliches Leben.

However, actually I ought to express myself and first of all run dry. Hence opening the view for rhythm of returning things of daily routine, which shall be done, even as breath air and breath out and the movement of heart... ordinary, everyday life.

This week's drawing challenge is hosted by lovely, busy Elisabeth. Please come to her place to have a look at other everyday lifes full of surprises.

Easter break 
No. 14 Fish 
No. 15 Lamb/Sheep
 No. 16 Dream
No. 17 Hand
No. 18  Love 
No. 19 'Everyday life' Elisabeth

No. 20 BALANCE 11.06. + 12.06.2011 Ariane
No. 21 '?' 18.06.+19.06.2011 Jasmin

15 Kommentare:

  1. That sponge comparison, the drawing is great and significant,wonderful, have a nice day! x

  2. Beautiful. the drawing, the pictures, the words. so simple and so beautiful

  3. das mit dem schwamm ist eine sehr schöne metapher. mit wiedererkennungswert. für mich.

    bin verbliebt in das foto mit den gelben gummihandschuhen. und der perlenring. superdeluxegrandios! deiner?

    frischgemähter rasenduft weht gerade sanft und warm zum fenster herein. einatmen. ausatmen. einatmen...

    bambi von natur und schwamm

  4. oh I know what you mean! and allways so funny/pretty/profound!

  5. your sponge is so pretty! and such an apt symbol for what i feel too. absorbent. such a blessing but sometimes curse! how to find the beauty in all those everyday tasks we must do!
    i always find beauty in your posts. every single time.

  6. That lush pearly ring!!!! Be still my heart!!
    Your routine of washing, coffee, and preparing food for the family looks like a dream. I love all your pretty dishes.
    And look at your pretty sprite there in the distance, looking out the gleaming window. So pretty.
    Thank you for sharing.
    I'd love to meet you for coffee someday...

  7. wonderful pictures and i love your interpretation with the sponge! this made me smile :)

  8. hey, ariane, i'm impressed by your humdrum sponge interpretation, very well put, if a little thought provoking, to say the least....

    i hope you do not feel too drenched by the end of your day... what are we like? why are our lives so hectic?

    and hooray for creativity to stop still and wind down...

    no, really. very thought provoking...

  9. Ariane, I agree with the rest, the sponge is an interesting interpretation. I can really find myself in that sponge and i immediately start to think of what I put in that sponge and what will come out of it. I believe I'll try to be more aware of my sponge ;) And your everyday life is so full of beauty! The dishes, the laundry... All in your colours. Soft and light. You mention the clock in the neck - and I find myself forgetting the clock as I visit your blog. Funny how it is.
    Thank you for your contribution and I look forward to hearing your theme for next week! I'm in! :)

  10. I'm in without even knowing what it is yet :))))
    They are the prettiest dirty dishes, with the bubbles forming lacy doilies around them. And you the sponge cleaning them! Beautiful analogy.
    Following Rachel's comment, I keep thinking that we will all meet up one day for real....

  11. Love everything in this post, your words, drawings, pictures, everything is perfect!
    Beautiful sponge life!!

  12. liebe a.
    what a daily life.
    the sponge is amazing. you are an amazing sponge! i like this post a lot.
    the beauty of those every day matters...

  13. Oh, my sweet lovelies,
    thank you very much... this ink drawing of a sponge was fast sketched, but to look at my everyday life was hard work. Too many small things... so the idea for the next theme comes up: BALANCE.
    So, find the right balance.
    Now I'll tour the world and come to you...
    I really love our rendezvous!


  14. Liebe Ariane, anschaulicher gehts kaum noch - genau so isses! Wenn man allerdings Deine Fotos dazu sieht, sieht es so aus, als wäre selbst das noch alles ganz toll und die wahre Freude.
    Cooler Ring!

  15. Moin moin, liebe Barbara,
    ja, es ist für mich auch sehr seltsam, dass auf den Fotos nicht zu sehen ist, wie grimmig (fast möchte ich sagen anklagend) ich sie gemacht habe!
    Always look on the bright site of life...
    x Ariane.



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