Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

Drawing challenge #46: BUNDLE

 The Queen of the Castle at the Eisenbach 
feels magically attracted by her beeing close to hers hometown. So she
bundles all her energy 
and starts from River Elbe and Eisenbach to River Spree and Landwehrkanal.

She moves very fast eastwards.

 In Berlin she drinks a coffee orienting herself and looks around.

She finds 'Clärchens Ballhaus' and 
the art gallery 'c/o Berlin'. Having time the Queen visits the exhibitions inside.

 A SMS! they will meet in the café of the theatre at the afternoon!

 After talking and laughing the training for Sara starts and

I dive into the blue of the evening, awaiting the begin of the performance at 'Michelberger'. 

 The performance 'Storm end come' of Yasmeen Godder shimmers of strength and changes of erotically charisma and loneliness and ecstasy and jealousy and demand... just great! Fantastic! Love it!
I really enjoyed it very much!

'Thank you very much for the bundle of streaming energy from your dance!'

This week's drawing challenge is hosted by sweet Rachel with BUNDLE. Please have a look, what bundles are laces at her place in NOLA at the moment.


 No. 45 Teatime

now: No. 46 Rachel with 'BUNDLE' 21.+22.01.2012

No. 47 Demie with 'Another Roadside Attraction'

who is next?

12 Kommentare:

  1. Oh I'm SO EXCITED here that you met Sara!! And that you saw one of her performances! I'm used to Australian bloggers meeting up, but never international bloggers I know!

    How wonderful! Thank you for making my morning!

  2. you met her
    dear Sara!
    and you have seen her dance!!!
    lucky you
    besides that
    I like the way you handled the theme
    bundling all your energy
    like Sara did with dance


  3. Man, das ist ja der OBERHAMMER, dass du Sara getroffen hast! Wow. Kann es kaum glauben, dass du kurzer Hand nach Berlin gedüst bist - oh, wie gern wäre ich dabei gewesen. Wie überaus aufregend. Und nicht nur, die tollen Unternehmungen in Berlin, dann auch noch mit Sara treffen und sie auch noch tanzen zu sehen, ist ja schier unglaublich.
    Durch deine tollen Fotos hat man fast das Gefühl dabei gewesen zu sein - Chapeau, liebe Ariane! Und: Danke.
    Alles, liebe Barbara

  4. gebündelte energie, kreativität und freude. gebündelte erinnerungen. danke für´s teilhaben dürfen.


  5. Ok, I just made up my mind: you have inspired me to make a biiiig glass of latte right now!

    I loved these photos. They made me wish I could have been there with you!

  6. how lovely for you two to meet! i would love to see Sarapirat danse and get some bundle of energy too : )

  7. you been to berlin?!!! you lucky queen of eisenbach...! meeting up with a cyber friend for real, it's something we've got to look forward to, isn't it?
    we must talk about this, seriously...
    happy week ending!

  8. Hallo dear Ariane!
    i would love to invite you to a weekend challenge with the theme :
    Another Roadside Attraction

    hope you like it
    leave a comment on my blog before wednesday
    - what am i saying? you do know the rules ; )

  9. yes a bundle of energy indeed, the energy that lives in great cities, in art and performances, an energy which inspires and makes the heart beat faster of happiness, beautifully illustrated with your photos, love it! xx

  10. Ariane and Sara! And to be in Berlin and see the dance. Incredible! What a wonderful experience.

  11. deine collage ist mein lieblingsfoto.
    gebündelte erlebnisse. einfach toll! ganz liebe grüße, mano

  12. ich will sofort nach berlin!! und wäre auch fast gefahren um sara zu sehen, hatte aber keine chance, umso schöner das du dort gewesen bist und mit uns teilst, hab dank!! herzensgruss, julia



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