Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

Frohes Neues Jahr / Happy New Year

Am  Neujahrs  Morgen spiegelt sich die Welt in Pfützen. 
Die Nacht war diesig und deshalb konnten wir dieses Mal das Feuerwerk am
Hamburger Hafen von der Burg am Eisenbach aus leider nicht genießen. Als dann noch der Qualm dazu kam, konnten wir kaum die Burg gegenüber sehen...

At  New Year's  Morning the world mirrors in puddles.
The night was hazy and thats why we couldn't enjoy the grand display of fireworks of the Hamburg Harbour from the Castle at the Eisenbach. As the thick smoke reached, we hardly see the Castle towards...

Der Morgen danach...

The morning after...

How are you?


13 Kommentare:

  1. it looks very beautiful!
    Happy New Year dear friend!
    let´s hope it´s a good one!

    all the best!

  2. I love the pictures. They are like in a fairytale, I can almost imagine a princess sitting in the tower and looking at the fireworks!

    Our dogs are afraid of them, so last night wasn't too great... My husband worked the night shift so I was home alone and tried to calm down our "kids". I stayed up really late so I was quite tired in the morning! But now I'm up to new challenges, right at the moment I'm painting a room in our house to make a second livingroom with a fresh, wintery atmosphere! (I promise to show you pictures later...)

    Have a great start for 2012!

  3. Dear Ritva,
    oh, I hope its a good one, too!

    Dear Ansku,
    I'm nosy about your second livingroom!
    ... please, my son ask for a imagine with him as a Prince. His sisters were fallen asleep already while he was looking at the fireworks ;-)


  4. wunderschöne feuerwerksfotos - in unserem dorf sahen wir nicht eine einzige rakete... aber ich mag auch nur den anblick am himmel, nicht den lärm und gestank, den sie machen.
    dir und deiner familie ein fabelhaftes neues jahr voller wunderbarer fotos, bilder und geschichten.
    liebe grüße von mano

  5. such a gorgeous fuzzy summary!
    and the picture ofyour boy in the window is simply beautiful!
    happy new year dear ariane
    thank you for this year, and looking forward to the coming one in different ways.
    lots of love

    i am so curious what dancing of mine you saw...

  6. At midnight I was in bed with both kids. They were fast asleep and I was trying to keep my eyes open to watch a English Victorian drama on my phone. Gone are the days of big shabangs, But I heard many outside. A kiss from my sweet was the best thing of all.

    The fireworks in the fog are quite beautiful and muted. Lovely!

  7. Liebe Mano,
    wegen des Wetters verging den Knallenden ziemlich schnell die Lust... hehe.

    Dear Sara,
    I've seen this one:

    Dear Rachel,
    your midnight sounds very peaceful... a good sign for 2012, isn't it?


  8. we're good, we're bloomin' good, thx for asking...
    a little snow would have added extra sparkle, but hey! i heard fireworks as i lay in bed. it was good, i had my ear plugs in. ;)))
    all the best things in 2012 for you, ariane.

  9. lovely and poetic pics ! I wish you a very nice new year Ariane !

  10. Lovely pictures!
    Happy new year 2012 to you and yours dear Ariane.


  11. iwatch the fireworks from a very safe distance justl ike you did. i think is more magical this way... your pictures are anyway.
    Happy New Year to you my friend : )

  12. Happy New Year! Liebste Königin am Eisenbach! habe die Festtage auf's Wärmste nochmal Revue passieren lassen - mittels deiner wundervollen Bilder. Beim Kalender gefallen mir besonders Juni und September, aber alle sind wie Gemälde. Ich finde auch das "diesige" Feuerwerk wunderbar.
    liebste Grüße von der Gräfin von Eppenthorpe samt Familie.

  13. Happy New Year! The haze might not have been the best for watching fireworks, but it made for beautiful photos!

