Samstag, 3. März 2012

Drawing challenge #51: BLANKET

Meinen Lieben in der Burg am Eisenbach
will ich mit Besonderheiten
den Tisch zu Abend decken.

Eingehüllt in den Gesang der Amseln
in der Dämmerung
schnell zum Laden.
Und zurück.

Feiner Perlenglanz
tropft später von den Bäumen
als ich unsere Kinder
in meiner Großmutter Elisabeths
gestrickten Decken 
zur Guten Nacht einkuschel.

My beloved ones in the Castle at the Eisenbach
I will with specials
lay the table of eve.

Enveloped in the songs of blackbirds
in the nightfall/dusk
fast to the shop.
And back.

Later finer pearlshine
drops from the trees
as I cuddle our kids
into my Grandmother Elisabeth's
knitted blankets 
for a Good Night.

 Sweet Greta is our host for this week's drawing challenge with the theme BLANKET. 

I have woven on my old frame... its from my attic, of course... a small blanket for the doll. 
So my daughters can cover her like I do... as my Mother did... as her Mother did, 
who knitted huge blankets of wool. 
She sat on the kitchen bench seat, we brought her the wool 
and described the colour, because she was gone blind. 
And she knitted the whole days, stitch after stitch.

For more BLANKETs please go to little Miss Greta the Adventurer.

Next: No. 52 Rachel  with 'INDUSTRIAL' at 10.+11.2012

Who is next?

11 Kommentare:

  1. those top three photos, i like them very much and in combination.
    i want to relearn weaving. both my grandmothers have amazing skills, one is in the heaven and the second one does not do it any longer.

    sweet little one you made!
    hugs hugs hugs

  2. liebe Ariane,

    what a loving post
    those top three... sigh....
    and the words that go with them
    love, love it
    you did what I wanted to do!!
    weaving a little blanket
    so nice
    beautiful post
    liebe freundin
    beautiful post!


  3. god bless the grandmothers! :)
    yours are still so usable, mine are strictly in safe keeping.
    sweet mothering post Ariane.
    And what other treasures will you discover in your attic?
    xo milady
    p.s. a little glimpse out of my kitchen window (which you asked for so long ago...with a fresh blanket of snow)

  4. i enjoy your woven piece of warmth, ariane. lovely to see it grow on your loom. 's looking like a lovely loom as well. and those knitted blanket parts... i think i may try this out next winter, in just that stitch. straight on, no stopping....
    ps - i will try to stay online just a bit too! in fact, to give myself courage i have already written out, in a future blogpost, what will be done, so, for me, there's no escaping. because writing and drawing and playing comes easier than renovating... oi!

  5. I had a grandmother Elizabeth, too. I would stay the night with her and she would knit and watch tv, pause the tv then tell me stories. she was a knitting machine.
    i am so impressed by your grandmother Elizabeth that despite her blindness continued to knit. And now you hold with you the warmth of those blankets, her love in them.
    what a nice story.
    Your mini woven blanket I love! We have a tiny frame for weaving at home. I find it very relaxing.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I don't want to take anyone's turn in hosting, but I can be a host if no one else can.
    Just keep me in mind and let me know.

  6. Oh, ich hatte zu Grundschulzeiten auch einen Webrahmen und habe damals wild darauf gewebt! Leider war ich nicht sonderlich begabt, meine Deckchen waren meist verzogen und nicht annähernd so schön wie Deins. Die Puppe sieht glücklich aus darunter! :o)

  7. Ariane, I've chosen a theme for this week!


    I'll announce it on my blog in the morning. I need to get some shut eye.
    goodnight, or shall I say, good day!


  8. Ariane, your blankets er beautiful, with history and tradition...
    My mother knitts blankets for me sometimes ( I have to beg!) There are precious to me and I am the only one allowd to use them... I don't want small dirty fingers on them. It's the only "tidy" rule in our house, otherwise is almost never clean and tidy, by the way... My grandfather used to say it's impossible to have a tidy house if you actualy want to live in it and have a life ; )

  9. I love the little doll's blanket! I remember when I was a child my Dad made me a frame, a little bit different than yours, but we used it for the same purpose. I had completely forgotten about it, thanks for reminding me!

    There's an award for you in my blog! :)

  10. was für eine zauberhafte, frühlingshafte puppendecke! und die schönen wolligen der großmutter - mal wieder ein wunderschöner post, liebe ariane!
    ich schick dir grüße ins sonnige hamburg (hab grad dort mit meiner tochter telefoniert!), mano

  11. die großmutterkuscheldecken und auch die webdecke sind wunderschön. was ganz besonderes!

    was einem beim stricken und weben so alles durch den kopf geht...

    ganz herzliche grüße an den ort, wo der gesang der amseln einen einhüllt und feiner perlenglanz von den bäumen tropft...




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