Freitag, 8. Juli 2011

Drawing challenge #23: MONSTER

Wenn ich erstmal mit einem Thema der Woche 'schwanger' gehe, bildet sich so etwas wie ein Filter. Bei vorangegangenen Themen war das kein Problem, aber bei diesem Thema... 
liebste Julia, Julia, was hast du da nur losgetreten!?
Die Monster zu zeichnen wurde dann doch unerwartet lustig... hatte ich doch meine Töchter als Co-Zeichnerinnen an meiner Seite (wir gaben beim Zeichnen monstermäßige Laute von uns!).

If I 'carry' a theme of the week first there comes something like a filter. With previous themes was that no problem, but with this theme... dearest Julia, Julia, what has you unleash here!?
To draw them would be unexpected funny yet again... I was lucky to have my daughters by my side as my co-draftswomen (we sounds monstertype during drawing!).

Monster of my 10 year-old daughter... it has got breasts!

Monster of my 6 year-old daughter: It has got many teeth and eyes and its yelling: "Help! Help!" If someone comes and wanna help, the monster will devour them...

You wanna see more monsters? 
Than have a look at the blog of wonderful master of the monsters, at delightful Julia!

At this time I feel like a monster itself, a monster with green slime... I have a cold. 
Doesn't matter: tomorrow I'll have this view:

At the seaside of Danmark... Sweden loom on the horizon.

When I'll be back my tomatoes are maybe red...

and the pink larkspur faded.

No. 23 MONSTER 09. + 10.07.2011 

No. 24
Nadine 16. + 17.07.2011
No. 25 Rachel 23. + 24.07.2011

17 Kommentare:

  1. Ariane dear, your monster is scarry ! I wouldn't like to meet him, real horror quality.
    I love your daughters' drawings, rather friendly monsters, love the tentacle eyes and trousers of the ten-year old, and the breasts, ha how strange and funny. And the other one yelling help,that's a good trick to get some prey,clever.

    Wishing you a wonderful holiday and get well soon, that sea air will help, xx

  2. ha, da sind ja die ersten monster liebste ariane! wundervoll!
    ist doch toll das ihr die ollen monster hier lasst und befreit ans meer reisen werdet! du musst bitte ganz viele fotos machen!? ich wünsche dir und deiner familie rundum schöne, erholsame ferien, bis hoffentlich bald, xoxox julia

  3. alle drei monster sind ganz und gar großartig!
    dänemark? das kann ja nur gut werden! wundervolle ferien wünsch ich euch und schicke noch schnell vorher viele grüße, mano

  4. Yes, dear Renilde, the sea air, the salt-breeze will help! without monsters...

    Liebste Julia,
    frisch frisierte Omas, gestylt und mit Mallorcabräune verwandelten sich vor meinen Augen in Gift und Galle spuckende Monster - bei Penny! Dagegen sind meine die reinsten Chorknaben...
    Ja, ich fahre befreit ans Meer - nur ein paar Tage zu Freunden - und werde es genießen! und Fotos machen!

    Danke, liebe Mano,
    ja, Dänemark, Sjaeland... Farvel!


  5. monsterstarke bilder liebe ariane. und toll, dass die kinder mit eingebunden wurden.

    ich wünsch dir und deinen lieben von herzen eine ganz wundervolle ferienzeit. beim wind um die nase wehen lassen. erhol dich, habt viel spaß zusammen und ich freu mich auf die fotos.

    von bambi von urlaubs und reif

  6. fine monsters!!

    and take care
    enjoy the sea
    it's beauty
    the sound
    and the fresh sea air
    happy holiday to you all!!

  7. hey there,
    they are really cool these monsters! with tits and all...
    enjoy your trip, i hope the tomatoes will grow.

  8. Hello dear Ariane; let's see if I have managed to repare whatever was wrong with my blog and keeping me from leaving comments.
    I wouldn't want to meet any of your monsters, but I would like a little sneak peak of that view. Hope it cured your cold!
    (Nope, it's still not working - seems like I have soome more work to do.)

  9. you did see clear into the sky, and read its message, ariane... that cloud... that sure is next week's theme! by then you most certainly have recovered from monstrous adventures?

    i find it uncanny how this theme unleashes the strangest of feelings. i was scared by julia's announcement monster and realized i should add a funny swing to it. you'll find it by the time you get back from denmark... i hope you have had a well deserved break!

    who-ooh! up in the couds!!!!

  10. hahahha, the first one looks a bit like my husband :))
    lovely monsters by you and your daughters!
    enjoy your trip, dear Ariane and see you when you get back

  11. Lovely monsters of both of you..:-)

    Take care and feel better!

  12. ooohh Scarey! i love the "female" monster :)
    yes, dear ARiane, i am on vacation from my desk - unfortunately not to some seaside destination. the mountains bring thunder and lightning in the summer which makes my internet connection spotty at best.
    i am sooooo busy,selling paintings in the little art gallery my friends have opened and getting ready for a big show in AUG.
    miss you all too....i'll join in when i can.
    xoxo milady

  13. ariane,
    i found this a challenge as well. i knew the kids would have a wilder imagination for this sort of theme. we all had a lot of fun with it. it seems like we all did...
    let your girls know their monsters scared me, the one with breasts a little less though.
    enjoy the seaside, feel better, cast out that wicked green slimy monster once and for all.

  14. Deine Monster sind toll geworden, aber sind mehr sympathisch und weniger zum Fürchten, so soll es sein :)

  15. I really like the first reminds me of a mask I've seen somewhere...
    and of course I Love your daughters monsters especially the 6 yr. old's and stories that go along with them!
    Hope your cold dissipates with the ocean breeze :)

  16. Ah, die Monster sind klasse. Vor allem das Trickmonster, komm und hilf mir, und dann fress ich dich! Genauso laeuft das mit den Monstern.

  17. hope you are better!
    mine was quite a heavy one.

    take care



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